A wonderful conversation with poet Diane Gilliam about the possibilities of a “new order of poetry” and about fairy-tale-like “helpers” in Quickwater Oracles.
I read a few of the channels and Diane chose This.Here.Now as a blessing to end the hour.
“The Seasons” (3 videos): Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter – A collaboration with Shizuno Nasu and Gene Tamashiro on poems from Here Along Cazenovia Creek:
“Grouse Song” – Poem by Ruth Thompson, video by Don Mitchell, dancers Jenn Eng, Claudia Hagan, Anna Javier, Chloe Oldfather, Catherine Rehberg, and Ruth Thompson. Music: “Learning to Dance” from “Credo” string quartet by Kevin Puts, performed by the Miro String Quartet. This video was featured on MOVING POEMS.