The BIG news is a BIG move – from Hilo, Hawai’i to Ithaca, New York! 136 acres of woods and trails and wildflowers, wind-blown clouds and long low evening light. And silence!
It’s a new beginning in other ways too – including a new book sometime next year!
Quickwater Oracles is a new direction for me – a gathering of transcriptions from 2018-2019, when I began training as a conscious channel. I am looking forward to sharing them with you here.
In the meantime I hope to expand this online community. Because Facebook and its allied social media have played such a role in disseminating racism and propaganda, I left those platforms last year. But I hope it will be possible to reconnect with friends and readers, to build a community here, by reaching out to you.
I promise not to email or text unless I publish a new book, post a new poem/channel, or plan to read or teach in your area. I would love to have you sign up. Whale Fall & Black Sage, Crazing, Woman With Crows, and Here Along Cazenovia Creek are still available through your bookstore, or from any online bookseller.